01737 644955 / 07534 799069 sales@icehorseboxes.co.uk


We understand that over time your horsebox can undergo some pretty serious wear and tear. Through constant use things can get damaged, broken or simply worn down, which is why it’s important you take great care and keep on top of any problems whenever they arise.

Our expert team here at I.C.E Horseboxes are on hand to carry out a variety of repairs and bodywork on your horsebox. With over 25 years’ experience in the industry, our workshop team are available to undertake a vast array of jobs to help you get your horsebox back in good shape.

We can carry out a range of jobs for you, including:

  • Bodywork
  • Paint jobs – touch ins and resprays
  • Fixing and fitting partitions
  • Fixing and fitting ramps
  • Mechanical repairs
  • Replacing doors
  • Fitting new floors and rubber matting

To book some repair work simply call us and we can arrange a time and date that suits you and we can also offer you a quote for the required work.

Selling your horsebox? Bring it to us

If you’re selling your horsebox, then you’ll want to make sure it’s in great shape and looking good. So be sure to bring it to us here at I.C.E Horseboxes and we can look over your vehicle for you and fix any problems you have. We can give it a new lick of paint and touch ups to help you attract potential buyers.

If you want our team to carry out some repair works on your horsebox then it’s handy if you let us know the make and model in advance so we’re able to ensure we get the right spare parts and paints etc.